About Elizabeth...
When I look at an empty canvas, I see a world of possibility; simple and complex. Layered, like myself, I work to take pieces of very different aesthetics to create a composition that speaks to the viewer in a number of ways. Each layer tells a story. Each layer evokes a different emotion. Each layer is a piece of myself; physically, emotionally, and spiritually expressed through a visual blending of various medium. The compositions of my mixed media works are layered with fabrics, magazine clippings, charcoals, crayons, and acrylic paint. I see beauty and perfection in imperfection. Colors, textures, and the overall composition define my emotions. The canvas for me is a form of therapeutic freedom and an emotional channel. Each creation is meant to convey a message, unique to the individual viewing the piece. Interpretation is subjective. What does my work mean? How do I describe it? I only know that I am an artist, and I create art.